Thursday, August 7, 2008

Intermission - What I Am Reading

I have been trying to get through Marion Nestle's "What to Eat", (Northpoint Press, 2006) which is an interesting read on our food, what is in our food, the marketing that the large manufacturers do to sell the food (have you ever thought about supermarkets being in business to make money? then how do they make money? how do food products compete for your attention? what goes into those products? who is making them?) and the hype that a lot of consumers believe about food. I say "trying", as digesting the content makes for slow reading since each chapter is deserving of consideration. Translation - I get exhausted after each chapter.

I've also been enjoying "The Only Bake Sale Cookbook You'll Ever Need", by Laurie Wolf and Pam Abrams (HarperCollins, 2008) and wish I had the time to test each recipe in it.

I've just borrowed Alice Waters' "The Art of Simple Food", (Clarkson N. Potter, 2007) which I have yet to start.

I also am reading Steve Berry's "The Venetian Betreyal" (a thriller).
I have taken advantage of electronic media and have downloaded books to listen to while walking. It makes the time go faster for me when I exercise.
My son and I have completed the children's versions of Moby Dick and Robin Hood. We might take a stab at Ivanhoe next, but he wants to read Moby Dick over again.

Thank goodness for libraries :-)

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