Monday, July 21, 2008

Birthday supper - Sukiyaki and Sans Rival

For my birthday dinner I made Sukiyaki. I bought the beef (already sliced) at Trader Joe's, since this saved me a trip to an asian store.

Marinate some thinly sliced beef (preferrably rib eye or sirloin) and marinate in soy and sugar. Take a couple of onions and saute them in butter and oil, set aside. Saute the beef in the same pan until partly cooked, add in some carrots, napa cabbage, mushrooms, leeks and tofu. Add in rice noodles that have been softened in hot water. Pour in the sauce of soy, sugar and beef broth. Simmer a few minutes and adjust seasoning. Serve with a fresh egg in a bowl and pour the soup over it.

Dessert was Sans Rival. This is a dessert that we used to buy at a place called La Cibeles on Padre Faura in Ermita when I was a child. La Cibeles closed many years ago, but my memory of their Sans Rival led me to recreate it for my family. It is drizzled with caramel strands. My husband says he prefers Sans Rival to any other dessert.

Sans Rival is a dacquoise - a merengue and nut mix (almonds in this case) baked into wafers, then filled with a french buttercream frosting in between layers (4 here) and covering the pastry. The final layer of buttercream is topped with chopped almonds then drizzled with caramel and chilled. In the Philippines, cashews are used in a Sans Rival.


Chato Cruz said...

hi dawn!! Was the sans rival easy t make?? Its seems so daunting. I love the way how your sans rival looks like. Is your version chewy or crunchy????

Anonymous said...


This version is crunchy. A good recipe to follow is the one from Vicky Veloso Barrera, from her book "Kape" co-authored with Chit Juan.

You can link the site to the class facebook page if you'd like.


Jonell said...

Dawn - the Sans Rival looks SO good. I have not had SR in a long long time. Send me the recipe!